Thursday, October 25, 2007


Thank you all for caring. Thank you for talking. Thank you for praying. This blog thing is pretty cool for a cooped up mama. I cried a bunch feeling thankful that you guys were there and cared.

Anna and I just got back from the chiropractor's office and if nothing else I feel calmer. The hives will go away eventually as will this stinkin' cough. I just have to get through this next week and life can be normal again.

This is a bit rambly but, I thank you guys a bunch.


zcoffeegirl said...

Hey, Katie, just saw this recent blog about hives. I had them and couldn't tolerate Benedryl, so they put me on Zrytec. And they eventually put me on prednisone I know that's nasty stuff...but it got rid of them quickly. Zyrtec doesn't make you tired. If they hang on any longer, give your dr. a call. They can perscribe a non-sleepy drug. I'm so sorry. I"ll be praying.....moving on it's own is stressful.

LadyD said...

Katie, Like I said on another blog-life is a roller coaster- hang on through the low spots, you will come back up again!!! Laura

Carla said...

Have a good cry and relieve the stress, babe.