Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trick or Treat

Our trick-or-treat day adventures are as followed. Anna and I went to her school for her teacher's conference. It's nice to know she saves ALL her "pistol-ness" for home. Mrs.K. was completely shocked over the antics my favorite, little Anna pulls at home. I suppose this is a good thing.

After Isaiah got off the bus we went down to my mom and dad's house to meet up with Matthew and the Germans. We had some pizza for supper and the Germans got to have their cream soda. They love cream soda!

(Manfred and Marcus)

Marcus and my dad.

(note: the American, my dad, is the one with the beer, not the German)

Then we got the kiddos into their costumes. Isaiah was going as a pirate and Anna, Spiderman. Only my three-year-old girl would choose to be Spiderman. The costume Anna wore was actually Matthew's when he was a little guy.

My cousin and her family stopped over as we were getting ready. Pirates must have been a big thing. Her oldest chose to be a pirate as well. We didn't even know.

(Grace-pirate, Josie-yellow M&M, Isaiah-pirate and Anna-Spiderman)

Anna with her face painted up "sort of like" Spiderman.

Manfred and my dad. My dad had more fun with Marcus and Manfred...

After we walked around Mom and Dad's neighborhood Isaiah and Anna were able to have a sleepover at Gramps and Grammy's. The next morning, the kids were up and painting like there was no tomorrow. Although Isaiah's pirate goatee was washed off during his shower the night before, it somehow reappeared during the painting activity.

I have no idea where the fascination comes from...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

What great pictures! I love kids in costume. SO CUTE!