Thursday, April 3, 2008


This introvert has done yet another amazingly extroverted action. I joined a women's Bible study group at our new church. The hellos and goodbyes at church will not make one a friend. You have to just get in there. I took a deep breath and called the church office to find out the necessary information. I spoke to someone I didn't know....really.
I went happily today and met some really neat people. I'm excited to get to know them even better over the next few weeks.
I'm also excited to do this study on Beth Moore's book. I called the group a Bible study as that's what they usually study. This time around they happen to be looking at this particular book. Should prove interesting and I hope to learn some tools along the way. The key chapter this book is focusing on is Psalm 40. How neat that God would take the time to offer the "ladder" needed to get out of the miry clay.


-V- said...

And how courageous of you to step up the ladder - good for you, Katie! I saw Beth's simulcast on that book at Shepherd of the Valley last year; it was excellent...

Birdie said...

Being a fellow introvert I say, Congrats!!! You're right, you'll never get to know people breezing in & out on Sunday. I think I maintain a safe & lazy distance with that tactic. Safety isn't always a good thing. Laziness...well that's just all bad. You're inspiring!

Jessica said...

Introverts unite!

Sorry...felt compelled to say that. Don't know why.

I'm proud of you! That's really hard. Scott and I have been going to a Bible study, too, and it's been hard on me because it's an established group and everyone in there are already friends.

What I'm finding, though, is that there's no better way to bond with someone and make relationships than through discussion of the Word.

Good for you. I hope you find some real friends in that group.

Anonymous said...

The group is lucky to have you!

BLessings dear sister in Christ-

Katie R. said...

Thanks guys.

Anonymous said...

Katie, as a fellow introvert I want to say good job! The Bible study looks great! Psalm 40 is one of my favorites.