Friday, October 19, 2007


All this talk about Myers Briggs made me curious. Matthew and I went to the conference FCC had about 7.5 years ago. I was pregnant with Isaiah and we were newly married. I remember it being really interesting but couldn't remember what we were/are.

I'm an ISTP and Matthew is an ENTJ.

My "S" score was 25 with only a 1 on the "N" side. Just give me the facts people. A phrase that described an ISTP was, "If they want help, they'll ask for it." I have said that since I was little. I get completely stressed out if people offer to help with stuff. Matthew wanted to have my mom come over and help out with laundry after my second C-section and I started to cry. Most people probably would have been thankful. I got stressed. You should have seen the emotion when Matthew's mom offered to cook food, gasp, are you nuts? I cried for days over that incident. It all makes much more sense why I responded that way now.

An occupation they describe for an ENTJ was a business owner. Guess what Matthew is? He runs his own sign business. Also, in reference to answering the question, "Is the glass half full or half empty?" ENTJs say, "Hey, this isn't a water glass it's a beer glass!" Thought that was funny.

An ISTP's answer to the glass question is, "Who cares it's just water." Yep, that's me. I would definitely say, "Who gives a rip?"

If you know what you are let me know. I forgot how fun this was.


Kara Jo said...

I'm an ESFJ, though the only one I'm really strong on is the J...

...gotta go make a list--bye!

zcoffeegirl said...

I'm an ISFJ...oh, I can't wait to see if V posts...she goes nuts over this stuff. I believe I would say that the glass if half empty. I don't like that about myself. I'd also be worrying about where the top half went, and could I please get more???

Katie R. said...

Sheri, you'd say, "I bet my friend would like to have some water right now...".

Katie R. said...

Kara Jo, you'd say, "I can't believe someone would leave this dirty glass out here! Clean up this mess right now."

I think these are so funny. They are all listd on a sheet of paper I received at the confrence.

Carla said...

My name is Carla and I'm an ISFJ. LMNOP...
Hey, so is Sheri!!

LadyD said...

Oooo- This sounds like fun! How do I do it? I don't know what I am? Oh, Ya, I'm a girl. L.

Katie R. said...

L, There's a big test you have to take. I don't know how you'd do it if it wasn't presented somewhere? That's how Matthew and I took it. I bet Kristi would know how to take it on your own. I think she ditched us for a cabin vacation, sheesh.

kristi noser said...

I'm with Sheri. The RULES STATE that the glass is to be FULL. Why can't people get that???
Even better if the beer glass is full....

Kelli said...

I'm an ISTJ, but I think that changes every time I take the test. Mostly, I just waffle around in the gray areas...except the I and the J parts. Those are pretty clear.

I'd be the one wondering why, if the glass is half empty, someone didn't bother to dump it out and put it in the dishwasher.

Katie R. said...

Kelli, according to my handy-dandy sheet an ISTJ would say, "It's half empty now, and it wouldn't surprise me if it dried up completely."

erin said...

I'm an OREO.

Haha. It's still funny. I'm an ENFP. I don't know what that says about me, but I bet Kristi does.
I married an ISTJ. We are complete opposites.

Katie R. said...

Erin, on my sheet it says an ENFP would say, "Whooooeee! Water fight!". I don't really know you but from reading your blogs I'd say that describes you pretty well.