Friday, April 27, 2007

Brotherly Love

READER BEWARE: I'm just going to post about what a great boy I have. Isaiah came home from kindergarten today and said he had a surprise for his little sister Anna. Anna and I gathered around his backpack to see what it could be. Isaiah pulled out the most beautiful sparkly-green purse I've ever seen and said it was for Anna. Where did it come from? Isaiah's hard work at school earned him ten little blue tickets that he's been saving and saving to purchase an item from his teacher's store. His teacher has different items that "cost" different amounts of tickets. Isaiah had his choice of books, bouncy balls and even dinosaurs. He decided he wanted to use his tickets to get Anna a gift that she would love. I asked what his friends said about the purse and he said there was some commotion but that he just explained it was for his little sister and then they didn't say anything. I asked what his teacher said and Isaiah said she just hoped that Anna would enjoy it.

As I was preparing supper I heard Isaiah tell Anna that he wants her to love it and that when she gets bigger she can put money in there or anything else that will fit. I pray they will always be such good friends. I'm really proud of my little boy for being the best big brother ever and for being so generous. Thank you God for my boy.


Anonymous said...

Isaiah, you made grammy get all teary eyed. We are the ones blessed to have such a sweet little grandboy and grandgirl.

Carla said...

Wow! Still waiting for my 10 year old to warm up to his sis!